Terms of use

  • All information provided on and taken from this blog is at your own risk and in reading this you agree it is of your own free will.

  • Unless otherwise noted, Road Tripping PT is the legal copyright holder of all material on this blog and it cannot be used to reprint or publish without written consent.

  • In using this blog you agree that all information is for entertainment purposes only and that we are not providing professional travel or medical advice and you are utilizing this information at your own risk.

  • We (Road Tripping PT) reserve the right to change the focus of our blog, shut it down, or change terms of use at any time at our discretion. This may, or may not be noted on our home page and you are responsible for reading these terms for updates. If you choose to continue to use this website, this will act as consent to these policies and any updates.

  • You agree that we (Road Tripping PT) are not responsible for any actions, statements, messages,or business transactions of hotels, travel companies, tourist sites, tour guides, advertisers, sponsors, or any other company/business/brand or person that is recommended or mentioned on this blog.

  • You agree that any messages, letters, tweets, comments, emails that are sent to this blog/website, instagram, youtube, or any other social media platform associated with this blog can be shared through our own use at our discretion. You agree that those will become property of Road Tripping PT indefinitely and free to use as our own.


  • Road Tripping PT is a travel and fitness blog written and edited by Tyler Torres PT, DPT. All opinions are my own and are influenced by my personal experiences, occupation, and other preferences. I write to share my stories or personal opinions and answer questions to the best of my ability. My opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the companies I work for, or those at the destinations I travel to.

  • As a Physical Therapist: I will answer questions regarding my profession However, my advice should not take the place of your own physical therapist, physician, or any other medical professional regarding your medical status and I always defer to whatever qualified professional you are being treated by. If you have a specific medical concern, be sure to be evaluated by an appropriate medical professional.

  • As a Travel Therapist: I will share my opinions regarding career path. However, always refer to your own staffing company and recruiter for specific information since this varies with each company. My opinions reflect my experiences and are to be taken only as an example from one perspective and not to be taken as advice to be acted upon.

  • As a Travel Blogger: I will provide my opinion regarding my favorite destinations to visit, places to stay and equipment including gear, cars, or packing items that I recommend. Any recommendations including products, locations, hotels, gear etc, may or may not be sponsored content and have no influence on the content or topics, or posts in this blog. They are simply products, places, or gear that I use or like and wish to share. Any claims or statistics made by any manufacture of suggested items should be verified directly by those responsible for statements. The blog does not contain any content that would present as a conflict of interest.